2021: Let's Let it Go
I don’t know about your year, but ours had its challenges, and none of them included a COVID infection. Here’s a list:
· Joy got a severe case of poison ivy, after collecting stems on a trail to do nature printing.
· Husband Dan’s car was totaled in an ice wreck on the 183 freeway, no one was hurt.
· Joy’s car was stolen from the garage, and also found totaled on the side of a road.
· We spent 10 days in a hotel, with no heat in our apartment due to broken water pipes.
· We had to send our dear dog, Dooley, to doggie heaven.
· Dan spent 7 days in the hospital on IV’s and oxygen, due to emergency gall bladder surgery.
· Tallulah, our only great granddaughter, in the UK, is now 6 and we have yet to meet her.
But as is so often true, there were silver linings:
· Insurance largely paid for the replacement of 2 cars, 10 days in a hotel, hospital and surgery.
· While COVID infected many members of our family, all have recovered.
· There was so much time to dream, to write, to create.
· As much as I hate ZOOM, I am thankful for ZOOM, as it is how I get to see my friends.
· We were lucky to have our dog, Dooley, with us for over 14 years.
· My husband and I truly enjoy one another’s company. Every. Single. Day.
· We spent 6 long, sunlit weeks in Hawaii, mostly reading books on the beach.
· Thanks to daily walks and the pool at the YMCA, I have lost my COVID belly and 4 pounds.
That’s my recounting. In the great scheme of things, and relative to what the rest of the planet has, and is, enduring, we are lucky, blessed, perhaps even charmed. So, 2021, I will let you go with the flutter of bird’s wings and welcome the unknown future that is coming into view with each new day. I hope for the best in 2022 to every treasured reader of this JoyWrites blog. Thank you.