The Three C’s: Creativity, Communication and Compassion
The banner on my JoyWrites website has three words—Creativity, Communication and Compassion. I have chosen these words over many years to define my purpose in life or, like CeeGee, I’ve learned these are the gifts I must give generously and for the benefit of others.
CREATIVITY: For me this first meant participation in the arts—singing, dance, acting and public speaking. And most especially writing. But I think there is more to creativity than these art forms. To be a creative is to take risks, to learn new things, to walk through the open door to an uncertain future. It is to find a different answer and share it. Creativity is an expression of a deep, personal knowing. That expression leads to the next word…
COMMUNICATION: I turn first to writing as my best form of communication, but teaching and public speaking have also been important. When I am communicating an idea effectively, I enter a zone of confidence and serenity. I have a sense that I am imparting my best truth. This is not preaching or certainty. It is sharing the best that I have with others and doing it in a way that respects them and meets them where they are. It is using language they understand and listening to what they have to say as well.
COMPASSION: While I work as a philanthropic advisor, my own giving takes the form of compassion more than cash. Caring more than charity. People tell me their stories, and I listen carefully. I can feel the emotion they express, and I think they know this. So, they tell me more. I hold these stories, connect them to others, and often build alliances between people and their stories that will be valuable to one another. The 3 C’s make a circle, one leading to the other and around again. I’d like to know your three words. What defines your purpose?